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Raise Your Hand Before Speaking 

Always Complete Your Home Work 

Be Kind To Others 

Be Prepared With Your Tools

Listen To Your Teacher and Follow Directions


I begin by teaching/reinforcing positive qualities and attitudes on the first day of each new school term. After all the qualities are covered, we begin to practice them daily.


Showing leadership is an admired quality. 






Discipline is a necessary part of the classroom. I try to be very consistent when giving consequences. Each student gets three (3) strikes which accumulate over the course of the day for varied offences. When the third strike is administered playtime is then revoked for either that day or the day after and the offender has to remain indoors (with their snack) to sit quietly and reflect on their actions.  



     Students receive different rewards at random times for several reasons. For example when he/she is observed practicing the qualities/attributes, the student will be praised verbally etc. and marks are then contributed toward VCCE.




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© 2017/2018 by Mrs. James - Standard 3 Classroom

This website was designed and created by Rachael James utilizing WIX. Its purpose is for the "edutainment" of Standard Three students and parents at the St Nicholas Primary School.


Please note that the information contained on the site is to be used as a guide for teaching, learning and revision. It is by no means an exact layout of lessons to be covered during the term or a substitute for classroom, student and teacher contact.

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